AeroPress VS Pour-over: Which Brewing Method is Better?

AeroPress VS Pour-over: Which Brewing Method is Better?

The best part of coffee is that there is no one way of making it. There are too many brewing methods. Each one has its distinct flavor and there is a separate fan following for each method.

Aeropress and pour over are two similar brewing methods that are cost-effective and do not require any hefty electronics. Both brewing techniques have pros and yield good coffee cups with minute differences.

This article is a comparison between Aeropress vs pour over. We will discuss both brewing methods and see how similar or different both are. By finishing this article, you will be in a better position to decide which one to buy.

What is Aeropress?

AeroPress Vs Pour over

Aeropress was invented by Stanford lecturer Alan Adler in 2005, who made a plastic plunger that creates a concentrated cup of coffee within a minute. The good thing about Aeropress is that it is a simple method that brews strong and bold coffee. Another great thing about Aeropress is that it is versatile. You can use the same method to make different types of coffee, from French press to espresso.

The technique requires you to put coffee in the chamber. Attach the filter cap to the plunger. Add hot water to 176 F, stir quickly, and set the plunger on the coffee chamber. Push down the chamber, which will press down the water, forcing it through the coffee and filter to cup underneath it. 

It's simple and less time-consuming. Great for home brewers who need less clutter to make a cup of coffee.

What is Pour over Method?

pour over coffee

Pour over is another manual coffee brewing method. The method is, again, very simple. It requires pouring hot water over the coffee grind bed on a filter. Water saturates the coffee bed, and drains through the filter extracting all flavor of coffee. 

For pour over coffee, you need a coffee maker. Some common pour over makers are the Chemex, the Kalita Wave, the Hario V60, the Origami Dripper, or the Fellow Stagg, all of these are relatively cheap.

Paper filters extract the oils, so cloth or metal filters are preferred for yielding bold and concentrated coffee. 

You also need coffee kettles to pour over the heated water. Gooseneck kettles are recommended as they pour even and precisely. Besides these, you also need a scale to weigh coffee.

Aeropress VS Pour over

Similar to both brewing methods, both are simple methods for home brewers requiring no fancy equipment. The manual methods yield bold good coffee and need some practice to perfect the technique.

Brewing Technique

Despite both being manual brewers, Aeropress method differs entirely from the pour over. Aeropress combines hybrid immersion and pressure technique. The extraction depends on immersion and air pressure applied from the plunger. So the hybrid technique uses both immersion and air pressure. 

However, the pour over technique depends on the percolation method. Yes, we are immersing the coffee bed with water, but gravity pulls the water under the cup through the filter, and freshwater over the coffee bed, extracting more flavor. That makes it a very efficient coffee brewing method. 

Cleaning Clutter

Aeropress uses a simple coffee chamber, filter, and plunger. Coffee chamber and plunger can be rinsed with water. Paper filter is disposable, so there is no cleaning mess after you make the coffee. 

Pour over method uses a kettle, pour over maker, and filter. So a bit more cleaning is required after a cup of coffee. Especially if you are using Chema. it is tricky to clean from the inside due to its complex shape.

Volume of Coffee

If you are making for a group of people, then pour over is undoubtedly a better choice. Aeropress has limited capacity; you can make one cup of coffee at a time. With pour over, you can make 4-6 cups easily. 


This is where Aeropress is the clear winner. If you are traveling and want to take your coffee maker with you, Aeropress is portable enough to get in your travel bag.

The pour over coffee requires scale, a gooseneck kettle, and the pour over gadget that is not very practical to carry around.

Coffee Taste

Aeropress not only uses immersion but air pressure. So the coffee taste is bold and rich. It resembles espresso-like concentrated coffee. 

Pour over coffee taste is elegant and clear. Its acidity is also balanced and has a smoother taste than the bold, concentrated punch of Aeropress.

Pour over coffee is a bit weak as compared to the Aeropress. Some people like silky smooth coffee and appreciate a good pour over. While those who like a concentrated espresso-like coffee might prefer an Aeropress. 

Brewing Time

Aeropress requires less time. You can enjoy a cup of coffee within a few minutes. Pour over method is a bit time-consuming. It can take 2-3 minutes for a medium roast and even more for a dark roast.


You can customize the pour over coffee a little, but with aeropress, there are too many recipes that you can try and experiment with a lot with your coffee. You can make hundreds of recipes, and you can experiment a lot with your coffee. 

Final Words

Aeropress and pour over methods are manual coffee brewing methods that are perfect for homeowners who can't afford espresso machines. It depends on the brewer and the taste of the coffee you like. Pour over has a less bitter coffee taste and gives a lot of control to the brewer. With Aeropress, you can customize the cup of coffee and you can take it to camping due to its portability.

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