Coffee Details
Tasting Notes
Granny Smith Apple
Country: Colombia
Name: Serrania de Las Minas
Region: Tarqui, Huila
Altitude: 1,650 - 1950 meters asl
Process: Washed
Your April Coffee is Columbian Serrania de Las Minas
This offering is a blend of small lots from various producers that live in the Serrania de Las Minas area of Huila's Tarqui municipality located in Southwestern Colombia. Huila is nestled in-between the Central and Eastern ranges of the Andes, making it one of the most unique coffee-growing areas we've experienced — and one of the most complex. Its terroir, climate, and harvest cycles all contribute to the quality of coffee produced here. Although it is difficult to generalize the profile, we typically find commonalities of citrus fruits and brighter acidity in the cup. The most impressive quality behind the coffees coming out of Huila lies in the people producing them. Coffee farmers in Huila are some of the most dedicated, hard-working, and passionate people we have had the privilege to develop relationships with and represent through sharing their coffees with roasters around the world.VARIETAL: CATURRA, CASTILLO, COLUMBIA