August 2021 Limited Edition Roast
Country: Guatemala
Name: Carlos Gomez
Farm: Finca El Pamarito
Region: El Progreso
Altitude: 1,700 - 1,900 masl
Process: Washed
Your August Coffee is Sierra de las Minas
Sierra de las Minas mountain range in eastern Guatemala, Finca EL Pamarito reaps the benefits of its proximity to such a towering geologic structure. Extending 15 - 30 km, huge by the valleys of the Polochic, Motagua and Salama rivers create varying biomes provides the ideal climate and soil to grow coffee. The name translates to mountain range of the mines’ due to the jade, marble and other mineral quarries. This is home to Mesoamerica’s largest cloud forests and houses a biodiverse array of ecosystems. Approximately 70% of all bird and mammal species in Guatemala and Belize are located here. Some species include the margay, cougar, and the iconic quetzal. The cooler temperatures and higher altitudes allow for a slower maturation of the coffee, cherry, improving sugar development and improving quality.
Forty years ago, Don Higinio Gomez, was the first producer in the area to transition to coffee rather than continuing potato production which was more common at the time. Now, Don’s son Carlos runs and manage the 60-ha farm that is carefully intercropped with native forest shade.