October 2024 | Guatemala Quiche

October 2024 | Guatemala Quiche

Green Apple
Milk Chocolate

Origin: Guatemala
Region: Quiche
Varietal: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia
Altitude: 1200-1800 MASL
Process: Washed


Your October Coffee is a Guatemala Quiche

The growing region in Quiché is in close proximity to the smaller Sierra de Chuacús mountain range, as well as the larger Sierra Madres de Chiapas mountain range, which spans El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala. As a result of the differing altitudes, the microclimates in this region can vary widely and produces sweet and complex coffees. The growing region is also referred as the Ixil Triangle because of the preservation of the indigenous culture and language of the Ixil people and its place in Guatemalan history.
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