The real proof is in the taste. There is no one best way to make coffee; your taste buds have the final say. As a rule of thumb, if your coffees come out bitter and brothy, grind coarser. If the morning cup feels a bit think and sour, consider a fine grind.
The brew ratio is worth mentioning. The experts suggest 60 grams of coffee in a liter of water ( 1 gram in 16.7 grams of water, for those who aren’t in for a liter of caffeine in the morning. Whilst this 1:15 to 1:17 coffee to water ratio is recommended for specialty coffee, feel free to let your taste decide, as per comfort.
Water comes in many varieties. It is a surprise for somehow important quality water truly is for any brew. Good water keeps your grinder and other gear in tip-top shape and gives you the coffee you deserve. Fortunately, high-grade brew water is easy to mix and comes at a low cost. Perfect for those taking the next step to caffeine perfection.
Now, to get started on the brew. For the first time, one can try for a medium grind on around 400ml of water, nice and simple. Start by rinsing your filter with hot water, placing it over your trusty brewer. Now add your coffee, start your clock, and pour around 10-15% over the grounds. Easy does it, and remember to try to go even. Half-way there!
Wait thirty seconds on the timer and begin adding the rest. Pour slowly from the center outwards, almost to the edge of the brewer, to avoid spills. In around 2-4 minutes, depending on brew size, viola. Coffee is served!