July 2022 Limited Edition Roast

July 2022 Limited Edition Roast

Coffee Details

Tasting Notes

Yellow Plum

Country: Ethiopia

Name: Ethiopia Sodu

Region: Uraga, Oromia

Altitude: 2200-2250 masl

Process: Washed

Your JULY Coffee is Ethiopia Sodu

The Sodu washing station is located 2.5km from the town of Hara Adama, in Guji's Oromia district of Ethiopia. Coffees from this station are delivered by local farmers daily, purchased in cherry, and processed accordingly. Typically, washed coffee are depulped on the same day, fermented overnight before being washed clean and dried on raised beds. It takes 8-15 days to fully dry washed coffees under the sun.

Coffees in Ethiopia are typically traceable to the washing station level, where smallholder farmers—many of whom own less than 1/2 hectare of land, and as little as 1/8 hectare on average—deliver cherry by weight to receive payment at a market rate. The coffee is sorted and processed into lots without retaining information about whose coffee harvest is in which bag or which lot.