May 2019 Limited Edition Roast
Country: Ethiopia
Name: Yukro
Farm: Yukro Co-operative
Region: Oromia
Altitude: 2000 masl
Process: Washed
Varieties: Ethiopia Landraces
Yukro comes to us from Oromia region of Western Ethiopia, bringing with it a juicy and refreshing raspberry tartness. Yukro operates under the leadership of the Kata Muduga co-operative union, whose continued investment into the coops that it leads makes possible for some of the most delicious and coveted coffees in the world – and, improving the lives of those growing it in the process. The secret? After equipment removes most of the fruit from the seeds, they are soaked overnight in fibreglass tanks so that any remaining sugars will be fully removed from their surface, and leave the coffee perfectly clean by the time they hit the drying bed.